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Delacato Clinic


About the Clinic

The Delacato clinic is in operation three times a year, in January, May and September and is attended by David Delacato Ed, and Antonio Parisi MD, the Developmental Neurologist and head of the Italian clinics in Milan and Sorrento.


The clinic is held near Cirencester in Gloucester.

What happens at the clinic?

At the clinic David and Antonio assess the therapy needs of the children in the case of a first time visit, and assesses the progress and need for a new therapy programme in the case of a repeat visit.

What results can be expected?

Experience of 50 years of working with sensory problem and development delay children tells us that after 4 months of a therapy programme the child has progressed sufficiently for there to be a need for a revised therapy regime.

Visiting the Clinic

Visits to the clinic are by appointment and the family is given a specific date and time for their appointment. The appointment is 2 hours long and includes discussion with David and Antonio on the specific needs of the child and the parent's aspiration for the child's development.

At the end of the discussion a programme of exercises specific to your child's needs is created and the programme instructor guides the parents through the exercises.

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Principal Facility: 26 Gwscwm Park, Burry Port, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA16 0DX, UK
Tel: 00 44 (0)1554 83 69 60

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