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Autism, brain injury, link to prenatal and perinatal causes


At the end of April of this year, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, (NICE), reported at a press conference, that they were concerned about the rise in occurrence of Caesarian Section births. The Delacato Centre immediately responded to NICE to the effect that, observation of birth records of children currently attending Delacato Clinics or having had therapy for Neurological Dysfunction, showed that over 20% of those children had been delivered by emergency or elective Caesarian Section. In early June, a team led by Dr Emma Glasson at the University of Western Australia announced, that as part of their findings into a study of Autistic children, whose mothers had problems during pregnancy and birth procedures, compared with problem free children, that, delivery by emergency and elective Caesarian Section increased the risk of those births leading to incidence of Autism. She goes on to state that children who developed autism were more likely to have had a birth procedure of less than 1 hour.

Caesarian section delivery is most likely to be considered as a rapid procedure.

In his book "Children who do not look you in the eye" by Dr Antonio Parisi MD, published in 1999, in the section outlining Etiopathogenesis of Autism, cites one perinatal cause of encephalitic disturbance, as "Hypoxy, (lack of oxygen) following over rapid or over lengthy labour leading to death or neurological effects such as Autism". Hypoxy causes selective injury of the central nervous system, affecting above all the cortex, base nuclei and white substance of the hemisphere. Dr. Parisi in his book continues to outline prenatal causes of encephalitic disturbance, perinatal and postnatal encephalitic disturbance, and in detail, one particular post natal disturbance, that of Hydrocephalus.

As a matter of record, Delacato Clinics across Europe have observed for many years that over 60% of patients attending were subjected to problems during pregnancy and birth procedures which pointed to a likely cause of their problem.

Robin Burn
March 2004

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